Eloy Barreiros - State Farm Insurance Agent i Ossining

Forenede StaterEloy Barreiros - State Farm Insurance Agent



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97, Main Street, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-236-3144
internet side: www.agenteloy.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1604792, Longitude: -73.8651397

kommentar 5

  • lilkissesfacepainting .com

    lilkissesfacepainting .com


    I deal with the lovely Raquel at this agency. From Eloy to all of the office personnel I always get answers and assistance no matter the day or time. I would recommend this office through and through. Having insurance with Eloy Barreiros is a pleasure.

  • en

    Chris Gardella


    I have had my renters, life, & auto insurance, auto loans, and checking account through State Farm and this agency for 7 years, and have had nothing but a great experience with their staff and service. I like knowing who everyone is in the office and supporting a locally-owned business that cares about the community. I've had to file claims with State Farm and the staff at this office handled everything personally with white glove service. Fair prices, excellent staff and service, and A+ coffee!

  • Michael Cruz

    Michael Cruz


    Great customer service and the employess are amazing. I had to drop off my vehicle at the body shop and they were willing to give me a ride home afterwards. They're always willing to go the extra mile to help in anyway.

  • Anthony Hylick

    Anthony Hylick


    I had been with State Farm for 7 years and had never felt more unvalued or like my business didn't matter. I really wanted to support locally-owned, community businesses, however, the prices and premiums are inconsistent with the extremely poor customer service. The agents lack enthusiasm, strong command of policy options, and any desire to get to know you as a customer to understand your insurance needs. When I asked about canceling my policy, there was no attempt to retain me as a customer. Eloy actually asked me if I wanted coffee for the road as I was leaving (mind you it was 80+ degrees outside). That communicated loud and clear that I needed to find another insurer. This agent is a great advertisement for other Insurance Companies. I'm not sure it's possible to express any less appreciation or value for a customer.

  • en

    Flor Bonilla


    Save your safe the headache! you go in for car insurance and leave without knowing you have a loan from Capital Finance Company who pays your insurance premium but charge 26% interest!! bunch of crooks!

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