Ella's Wood Fired Pizza i Washington

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Forenede StaterElla's Wood Fired Pizza



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610, 9th Street Northwest, 20004, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-638-3434
internet side: www.ellaspizza.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.8978251, Longitude: -77.0242652

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anthony B


    Delicious! Our server was attentive but didn't harbor over us. Highly recommend the steak with eggs. Will definitely be coming here when I'm in DC again

  • D T-Hell

    D T-Hell


    Excellent pizza...and the wife really loved the gluten free. The atmosphere light and inviting. We will definitely be coming back again. There is a parking garage right next to the establishment, tight fit for my Tacoma though, lots of maneuvering to find a good spot.

  • Steve Martin

    Steve Martin


    I just happened to stumble on this place as I was walking down the sidewalk and I was pleasantly surprised, the pizza is excellent! It is traditional Italian style pizza cooked in a very hot oven with very thin crust. Pies are individual size so you can order the toppings you would like. One pizza is enough for one person but you might want to get an appetizer if you are a big eater. The service is pretty standard, the staff was very friendly. They have a few tables on the sidewalk which are great for people watching as long as it's not too hot outside.

  • en

    Troy Goracke


    I visited her for desert and a night cap with my wife. Their tiramisu was quite delicious with a nice presentation. They had a decent wine list and we enjoyed a glass of California malbec. The staff was excellent. Even though it was close to closing, they seated us quickly and were quite attentive. Their dinner options also looked good. I would recommend this place for folks visiting DC.

  • Nicole Wilson

    Nicole Wilson


    This place was excellent! We were seated very quickly, especially for peak time. All of the staff were friendly and accommodating. And the food was great! We had the garlic bread and two pizzas (sausage and pucillo), and all were top quality! Definitely recommended.

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