Elite Nail Salon w Teaneck

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Nail Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

451, Cedar Lane, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-836-5026
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.889292, Longitude: -74.0218085

komentarze 5

  • Charisse L

    Charisse L


    Horrible I've had my nails done here before the owner is always rude and yanks and pulls you when doing your nails. She cut me 2x and said Beauty Hurts really?!? Did the ugliest French mani, I know my nails are short but she's done them before just fine. These are crooked and all different shapes.

  • en

    Brielles Boutique


    Walked in to get my gel manicure as usually, every two weeks, owner wanted someone whose learning to do my nails. I said no, you always do them. Granted there was no other customer at salon. I said let me make an appointment with you, “I do not take appointments” 👍 she’s rude and honestly place is not even clean. Will never set foot in there again. By the way I always tip them at least 25%

  • en

    Lee Ann Newland


    I have been a customer on and off since the salon opened many years ago. Up to today, I was happy with my manicures. Today, the owner was horribly rude. They lost a customer because she wouldn't fix something until my regular appointment next week. Not going back. Ever.

  • Victoria Bell

    Victoria Bell


    Very friendly service. The staff does a very good job.

  • en

    Lee Arvili


    Just wanted to share this experience that I had right now at my nail salon elite nails on cedar Ln., Teaneck, NJ. The owner of the place is just nasty. She is 60 years old and I guess she is not in the mood to get new client so she is kicking them out and if you make a comment on her work she will tell you that she doesn't want you to come any more. In my case she had file my skin together with my nails. I think it is very weird. The owner of the place is nasty and she treats her customer very very bad and rude

najbliższy Salon piękności

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