Elite Furniture w Нью-Йорк

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Furniture


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Бронкс, Нью-Йорк 10453, США
kontakt telefon: +1 718-618-0440
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8498416, Longitude: -73.9168128

komentarze 4

  • en

    ivy Morales


    Sold sample floor models as brand new factory sealed furniture( wrong box, assemble directions outside the box, no screws at all, and the legs from sofas were all Dusty and the leather all broken) 2 boot prints on box so the box was definitely stepped on) Con artist to the fullest.. calling consumer affairs early Monday morning

  • en

    Bionic Scott


    Very unprofessional. Con artist to say the least. They will do everything in their power to make sure you don’t purchase at another furniture store, provide you with misinformation and sell poor quality furniture. I was provided with a financing option in which was an automatic win for me! However, they are not truthful when they state financing after 90 days then the payments start. No, you are charged immediately and interest accumulates. Do not buy from this store save your time and go to BOB, ASHLEY, RAYMORE ... anywhere but HERE! DISPLEASED AND DISAPPOINTED!!!!

  • en

    melissa cuevas


    The worst service in the world, Very unprofessional and they lied about the 90 day cap of when the furniture had to be paid off, it was told it started once the first payment was made and that wasn't the case. so now for furniture that is worth 1400 is now 2k and if I don't pay the 8 hundred before the ending of the month it will be 3k, and the furniture is breaking down already. SO not only did they lie but the furniture is no where near worth it. I will do everything in my power to make sure they don't receive any business.

  • en

    Melissa & Miguel Safadit


najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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