Elite Body Care. w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneElite Body Care.



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928, Broadway, 10010, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-641-0805
strona internetowej: nybodycare.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7400486, Longitude: -73.9893018

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kargash Zhubussova


    I would not come back there cause their machine keep broken, turn off, needs to reload etc.... and technicians were not polite keep giving comments about my skin color, hair color etc. after 6-7 procuders there is small difference : hair is thinner, but its not what they promissed. So 2 stars is generious

  • Tanya Balyuk

    Tanya Balyuk


    Easy laser visits, little to no wait time, and friendly technicians. Have had 4 appointments so far and seeing good results. Great price on the laser treatments, would recommend this spa.

  • en



    The place was spectacular. Convenient location, and easy to access. The staff there were friendly and knowledgeable, and made you feel like a person, not just a $. The space was comfortable and very clean. Nothing but positive feelings about this place, will definitely go again.

  • Alexander Zagoro

    Alexander Zagoro


    Incredibly friendly and professional stuff. They take a very individual approach with each client, making the experience smooth and comfortable. Highly recommending!

  • en

    Sima C


    I bought a Groupon for 8 ultrasonic cavitations with Elite Body Care based on the recommendation of my colleague who went there previously as well, and she loved it. Each session lasted 30 minutes and I booked all sessions at once in advance, one session per week, so I did not have any problems with scheduling. The location was very clean and sanitary and the staff there was professional, knowledgeable, and very friendly. I talked for the entire 30 minutes each time with the specialist that performed the cavitation and I never felt awkward or uncomfortable there. This is the first time that I had any sort of cavitation/slimming/etc. done and I was a little bit skeptical if it would work. I chose to focus on my lower ab area for the sessions. At the beginning of the sessions I had about a 5 inch “tire” around the lower stomach area and I personally saw results right away. After all 8 sessions, I had about a 1 ½ inch “tire” left. My exercise levels, diet, and water intake were all the same as usual so I was very surprised with the results. I would definitely recommend this procedure to anyone who wants to slim down in a specific area. 10/10 would visit again.

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