Elegant Bathtub Reglazing LLC i Little Ferry

Forenede StaterElegant Bathtub Reglazing LLC



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Marshall Avenue, 07643, Little Ferry, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-491-2798
internet side: www.elegantbathtub.com
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Latitude: 40.848671, Longitude: -74.040289

kommentar 4

  • en

    Bruce Maliner


    I contracted Elegant Bathtub Reglazing to Repair and reglaze my tub. I live overseas and am renting my home so dealing from 3000 miles away is always challenging. Linda responded to my email inquiry within hours and responded to all my questions promptly. I had one conversation with a technician who explained the entire process to me. They scheduled the work and were very professional, clean and organized. I am very happy with the work they did and recommend them very highly. They made this a very positive experience.

  • en

    David Carini


    I needed a bathtub and fiberglass stall shower re-finished/re-glazed and found this company Elegant Bathtub Reglazing.This is a wonderful company to work with. Linda was a pleasure to deal with and setting up my appointment, she was very professional and efficient. Their representative Julio was knowledgeable and professional, he came out to give the estimate. The technician Marco was very neat, clean, and did a great job. The re-glazing came out beautiful. I highly recommend Elegant Bathtub for all your re-glazing needs. Thanks

  • Cihat Kansay

    Cihat Kansay


  • en

    Jessica Brunston


    Very professional, neat and friendly!! We had our bathroom tub and walls re-glazed and I was very impressed not only with their professionalism and knowledge but the end result exceeded our expectations. We live in a 120 year old colonial and majority of the bathroom was original and we wanted to keep it as such. They did such a great job bringing the shower area back to life, we couldn't be more pleased!

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