El Vaquero Auto Repair w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneEl Vaquero Auto Repair


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2045, East Beverly Drive, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-622-3541
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2092444, Longitude: -110.9413777

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adriana Gamino


    Arron and his team are great! Very professional and great service. I have been taking my car to get oil changes to him for over a year now. When my car needs to get looked at I take it to him as well.

  • Brenda Gamino

    Brenda Gamino


    Aaron is a trustworthy person he’s been doing my oil changes now for over two years and he’s the one I take my car as well when I’m having issues with it. I highly recommend this place!!!

  • en

    Alizzon Ramirez


    Great service and very professional they are going to be my go to mechanic shop for all my services and at a good price I got my brake service done thanks you vaquero auto shop for taking me in even when you guys were already closing HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE !!!!!!!

  • Magma Blue

    Magma Blue


    First let me say that Aaron seems like a really nice guy. Per a recommendation by someone we know we went here which is why ultimately we gave too many chances. To summarize I have had an AC system replaced (twice because he claimed a faulty part from the first time) when it died the third time I took it somewhere else who indicated that I had a hose that was leaking freon so it's possible that the system never needed to be replaced in the first place or at the very least he didn't perform a thorough check of the system. I have a van that leaks oil since being serviced by Aaron, and a brake job which I just had redone where i was shown by my new mechanic how it looked like they had literally replaced a single brake pad when we last had our brakes done with Aaron. I also asked Aaron about concerns that I had about a transmission in another car that felt like it was slipping, which he then checked out and told me was fine. That transmission was dead a few months later. As stated Aaron seems very honest and friendly, but his work speaks for itself and is quite the opposite. He has great rates, but if the work isn't done right then you'll just pay it multiple times over costing you way more.

  • Anna Sophie Goldbach

    Anna Sophie Goldbach


    You can count on Aaron and his team with everything your car needs, they are always really nice and friendly - definitely the best place to go

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