El Guero Restaurant i Phoenix

Forenede StaterEl Guero Restaurant



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2822, South 67th Avenue, 85043, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 33.4226204, Longitude: -112.2041963

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bianca Hallett


    The flavor was pretty good but the atmosphere, staff, and price was not worth it.

  • bestdulce13



    Very courteous service in both English and Spanish. Good food and they're PET FRIENDLY

  • en

    Mona Bell


    The best carne asada tacos I have ever had. Tons of flavor. Their homemade hot sauce has a great smoky flavor with just enough heat. Good prices, great food. Not to mention their late night availability... I will be a regular.

  • en

    Joshua Sale


    Love their Sonoran dogs just the chubby little waiter was a dork

  • en

    P Ramirez


    Food just ok but the service provided by the younger chubby waiter was terrible. Will never return, do not recommend. Condescending little creep. Spend your money elsewhere.

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