El Con Center w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneEl Con Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3601, East Broadway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2248596, Longitude: -110.9166171

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kitty Belcher


    Went into Burlington with grandson to find pants and shirts for him.I like the store and employees very much and their prices are Great! Plus your receipt is kept in their system for returns as long as you have tags or card you used for purchases. I think all retailer would benefit from the same kind of system.

  • en

    Robbie Pabst


    Love the place go to Target all shopping. Then go to Home depot for gardening supplies and more. Shop all in one! From food 🍒🍎to clothes👠👔 then to plants🌲⚘🌳

  • ellimak



    Sorry to say that this is no longer a very popular area. Also its not convenient to want to each store. There are many like 3 stores you can walk to from each other, but they are still like 5 min away. Needs some more love, and the parking is not the greatest, especially by Ross and Burlington, that is a very popular spot yet the partking is slim

  • en

    Miriam Eaton


    Visited Burlington Coat Factory today...lots of wonderful bargains! Kudos to the associates for keeping the store clean...the total opposite of Ross where customers choose store bargains from the floor where other shoppers leave them - won't go back to Ross. But I'll definitely visit your store again in the near future. Thanks for a pleasant shopping experience!

  • Joshua Drake

    Joshua Drake


    One of the things I love about being in a bigger city is the convenience of all of the stores. This place is no exception. It's nice to go to any of the stores and get anything you need, including books, kitchen appliances and accessories, and there's a nice movie theater. The only thing I didn't love about the place is how popular it is. Obviously a nice place is going to attract a lot of people. Unfortunately, it's challenging to get around with so many people.

najbliższy Centrum handlowe

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