El Azar Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEl Azar Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

464, Avenue U, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-676-6445
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5974998, Longitude: -73.9669078

komentarze 5

  • en

    Albert Tawil


    Excellent operation. Quick and easy to deal with. Would only use hah pharmacy. Also very clean clean operation. Very impressed over all. A+++++++

  • David Barnathan

    David Barnathan


    Really nice people working here able to help out in seconds with the right meds.

  • Albert Betesh

    Albert Betesh


    Great service. Open late. And always polite and accommodating.

  • en

    Nas K


    One of the worst experiences I have encountered. Pharmacist was rude and haste with his answers. Stay away if possible. Go to Smart Choice pharmacy instead on Ave X and McDonald Ave.

  • en

    Edan Sultana


    I was in a Syrian pharmacy on Ave U and East 4th and some young women walked in gasping for air she couldn't breath I right away realized! I told the young pharmacist while he was on the phone... that the women couldn't breath and she needs and inhaler right away! The Syrian pharmacist completely ignores me I shout to him again sir the women can't breath are you listening he ignores me again... Then I get really angry and start screaming at him to get this women an inhaler he then slams his phone off and tells me to leave the store. I told him I'm not going anywhere without my family member medication ... I screamed at the guy again and tell him to get the women an inhaler he starts threatening me then I started to threaten him back. as the situation calms down before he even gives the women the inhaler he wants to check her prescription then told her she cannot receive an inhaler and also to leave the store due to the fact he was angry not because something was wrong with the prescription then I started to threaten him then he finally gave the women the inhaler After literally 5 min of this women gasping for air It's clear that this guy only cares about money and not nobody's health. Always know no matter what. health comes first then the bills. I advise for everyone to see a different pharmacist then this scumbag he is inhuman piece of s***t I wouldn't be surprised if he was messing with other peoples medication just to make a few extra bucks 👎

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