Eegee's w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneEegee's



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2510, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-881-3280
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2358381, Longitude: -110.9346512

komentarze 5

  • John Chihak

    John Chihak


    best fries in Tucson. And their eegees drinks are a near 50 year Tucson tradition. If you like a bit of everything on you grinder, get the deluxe and put some ranch on it

  • Marisela Guerrero

    Marisela Guerrero


    The restaurant was clean! The cashier was very informative and helpful since we are from a different state and it was our first time eating at this restaurant. The food tasted nice and fresh! I absolutely loved their sweet potato fries! I wish they would add it to their menu for good rather than it being a limited time only item.

  • en

    Veronica Orantez


    Restaurant very clean.... Food excellent... Service not so great. The cashier made a mistake and didn't charge us for the fries we ordered. The manager came over and told us "you didn't pay for them so if you want them you need to pay". We explained that we ordered the meal and he didn't care he said if we wanted them we needed to go back to the register and ordered the. Even though the rest of our food was sitting at the table. I wasn't looking for anything free just if you make a mistake... make it right with the customer.

  • en

    Cmdr Wallet


    Always tasty food at Eegee's. This location was remodeled and looks pretty sleek now but has the same booth style and counter seating - just in a different color palette. It wasn't busy while we were there but there were several messes (water on the floor, spilled eegee by our table, water on the seats or table surface) so it wasn't exactly welcoming. Could have just been an off day. Food was good and the ranch is still my favorite.

  • Mark Y

    Mark Y


    Best french Fry's in town for a fast food choices. Good service and this location is always clean. Great sandwich and salad choices. My daughter lo es the Mac and cheese and the son loves the buffalo ranch sauce on his fries. Monthly rotation of the famous Eegee's slushy, icy,type drinks. Some flavors are better than others. Quick in and out via vehicle and easily seen from traffic.

najbliższy Restauracja

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