Edgar i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEdgar



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1127, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-347-2233
internet side: www.edgarbarandkitchen.com
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Latitude: 38.9045149, Longitude: -77.0397729

kommentar 5

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    Sean Nguyen


    Came in last night for a drink and a quick bite at the bar and our experience was adequate. Went in today for drinks and had the absolute worst experience. No service staff came to any guests' attention around us for over an hour, so we ended up leaving and will not be returning. I have an unused complimentary drink/appetizer voucher for being guests at the hotel, but I will not waste my time to return to Edgar for any reason. As a former hospitality employee for many years I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to many places, but the service here is inexcusable.

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    Olivia Scotland


    Decent happy hour fare, but uninterested waitress that acted like she was doing our party a favor by deciding to come over once an hour for the entire 3 hours we spent there.

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    Jason Fitzpatrick


    Wait staff seemed disinterested in serving me or the well dressed neighbors that were at the bar next to me. Bartenders were annoyed at something and took it out on their clients. The lady bartender new nothing about the drinks she served when the gentleman next to me asked about them. Im disappointed at the level of service I got on a old fashioned and a chicken sandwich. Food was nothing great and the old fashioned was not made well. Reminds me of banquet staff at a cheap hotel. They should be happier with their jobs and not make me feel that my business is a bother to them. Will not be back. The wait staff seemed disgruntled. The hostess was a pleasure though. Wished she was my server.

  • choi km

    choi km


    Worst bartender I ever met, he is kind less and not friendly. I think the chief bartender’s concern is money. While I was drinking cocktail, I felt that I was hurry to finish my cocktail. Bartenders were closing the bar even though customers still were drinking.

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    Mark Andino


    Excellent food and service. The items on the menu are a bit pricey. Great cocktails and the Edgar burger is fantastic.

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