Eddies Yard w Yorktown Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneEddies Yard



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Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, США
kontakt telefon: +1 914-494-8959
strona internetowej: www.eylandscapes.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.325227, Longitude: -73.819146

komentarze 5

  • L M

    L M


    If you are paying Eddie, I'm sure he's just as sweet as can be. If you're not using his services, he and his workers will treat you like a subhuman. When my elderly parents were visiting one weekend I attempted to ask them when their wood chipping in front of my house would be over, they pretended not to understand English. When I asked Ed directly to reschedule the 7:30am Saturday morning lawncare under my bedroom window because I work late hours all week and didn't need to be awakened to a mind splitting lawnmower 6 hours after I got to sleep, he rudely dismissed me. Now it's like dealing with a willful child who enjoys sticking it to me by coming on weekends only, and only to the house next to mine, to harass us with 45 minutes of an all-encompassing, window shaking din. Eddie, you want me to take down my negative reviews, and maybe even leave a positive one, then have some decency and work with the community you strive so hard to earn a living through.

  • en

    Theresa Gucciardo-Perry


    An excellent landscaping company, just started using them a month ago and very happy with their work. Eddies Yard did a large project this week, removed old mulch from front and back of my property and replaced with weed block and new mulch, they also filled in massive areas with new dirt, grass seed and hay and trimmed bushes, all done to perfection. Keep up the good work.

  • en

    Paula Ward Cirelli


    Eddies Yard is the BEST! We have used them since 2009 and my family for years before that. TIMELY plowing all winter long! We have a long steep driveway and it is cleared to the blacktop in plenty of time that we've never been delayed going to work or coming home. We also use Eddies Yard all summer for landscaping and could not be more satisfied. Prompt, reliable, does the work you ask exactly right and all of the team are courteous. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

  • Vince Bonura

    Vince Bonura


    This is our first foray into the lawn maintenance arena, starting in 2016. Having said that, I am pleasantly surprised that the Eddies Yard team is doing such a great job. They are punctual, make quick work of the lawn cutting, do a very nice job trimming and blowing the walkway/driveway when done!! I also used them to aerate my lawn last year. Once I over-seeded, the lawn was thicker and healthier than it's been in many years! So, I will be using the aeration service again this year. I would highly recommend them if you are looking for a lawn service company!

  • en

    Leon Vaysburd


    Eddies yard is a fantastic landscaping company! They do all of my landscaping around the property. Everything is done perfectly from grass cutting to tree pruning. I'm very impressed with Eddies dedication to every job. He personally inspects the work and addresses homeowner concerns. He is very easy to talk to and easily reachable. They just did my front walkway and steps with lighting! Now the job is featured in several magazines. Thank you to Eddie and his crew for all wonderful masonry and landscaping work.

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