EcoTech Pest Control Inc. w Bayport

Stany ZjednoczoneEcoTech Pest Control Inc.



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650, Montauk Highway, 11705, Bayport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-868-7023
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7464782, Longitude: -73.059017

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jason Jerome


    Fantastic company. I had a major infestation of wasps entering my backdoor and getting into my kitchen. I called and the same day a tech was at my house eradicating the infestation. He quickly identified the issues and got rid of those wasps within a half hour of getting there. Professional, knowledgeable, and punctual. I can't say enough good things about this company. I would highly recommend them. After seeing how good they were, I quickly signed up for their annual contract and I am extremely happy I did. Great company.

  • en

    Mike Reidlinger


    After seeing termites in my basement, I called EcoTech and they sent out a technician the same day. The tech was super informative, he explained to me all about termites and showed me where the mud tunnels were. I had him do the treatment recommended and he installed the termite bait system at a reasonable price, which will be maintained though out the year. I feel confident that my home will be protected now.

  • Jason Sargus

    Jason Sargus


    Great service and we definitely saw a huge improvement in the reduction of the total number of pests. Billy (the tech) did a great job and was professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. A+

  • Ray Alexander

    Ray Alexander


    My mother had a problem with mice so I called a few places. EcoTech gave me the best deal...and the mice are gone! Great customer service too! I would definitely use them again!

  • en

    carol listher


    We recently had a termite system installed at our home, the tech explained each step he was doing with the install. My husband was very pleased with the work done, and we feel that our home will be protected.

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