Eco Nails & Spa Inc en New York

Estados UnidosEco Nails & Spa Inc



🕗 horarios

4160, Hylan Boulevard, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-2880
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5381749, Longitude: -74.1490213

comentarios 5

  • Loriann Maresca

    Loriann Maresca


    I've been coming here for 3 years, and I'm surprised about some of the reviews here. I get acrylic tips and a pedicure every three to four weeks and each time is always a good experience. I love their pedicures, they really take the time to give you a great massage and that's my favorite part of a pedicure. And I've gotten a deep pore cleansing facial before and that was amazing. The only thing stopping me from giving them five stars is they don't have much of a selection of designs for nails.

  • Charles Castrovinci

    Charles Castrovinci


    I’ve taken my daughter here several times and it’s a hit or miss some of the girls are ok but then there are those few who should not be doing this for a living. When I pay top dollar for my daughter to have a set of tips put on they should ABSOLUTELY NOT BE DIFFERENT SIZES when your done. Why should my 13 yr old have to tell you that the nails are uneven. Of course she tried to say something but the lady doesn’t even speak English so she let’s her just finish the job and she leaves there unhappy and out $50.00 SMH!

  • en

    Jamie Viscardi


    Never get a bad mani pedi. Relaxing environment and friendly staff

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    marina romanova


    I never felt extremely uncomfortable than in Ecco nails. The worst experience ever. I came a few times before and was giving another chance. I have been very nice and leaving a good tip not that they deserve it.Today was the last drop. When you come you say hi how are you, they wouldn't look at you or answer . Instead you hear"what do you want?".They are sooo rude and nasty . They have no manners at all. Never hi , never smile , or sorry when they cut you, or thank you when you give a tip. The business owner doesn't look like she cares eather .God forbid you ask them to do something , maybe change nail polish or do an even shape of nails , they would curse you out in Chinese, they will give the worst attitude.Constant talking , obviously about you and looking mad , like you did something bad to them , these makes you feel that you unwanted.They should learn first the manners, how to be nice with customers , they licenses should be reviewed , since they don't know how to do even shape nails, cut cuticles neatly . They would cut your cuticles very sloppy, very fast and they would do it without water or oil , so the skin around nails gets or painful, red and inflamed .I would never spend my money on that kind of nasty service or recommend it anyone in my neighborhood. Terrible , poor customer service !!!!!

  • Jo a

    Jo a


    Most nail salons smell so bad it gets in to your throat but this place never does I think there very clean. I don't get my nails done to much but they always remember me when I come because my mother goes there a lot to get her eyebrows done, it's cute also the place is cute, there friendly people never had a problem. I think there one of the best nail salons in New York, Ive never really waited long either. Getting my toes done is amazing they put something in a bag that they leave on the back of your bottom foot, I leave with such soft feet

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