Eco Green Cleaners w Bronxville

Stany ZjednoczoneEco Green Cleaners



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24, Park Place, 10708, Bronxville, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-337-3378
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9398418, Longitude: -73.8343208

komentarze 4

  • en

    Catherine D


    I have been going to your location in Bronxville for several years now and Rita and Yeong are always friendly, and provide great service. I want to recognize both of them for going above and beyond to clean my white puffer jacket, that had gotten ink marks all over the front. Yeong wasn’t sure that it would come out during the dry cleaning process, but I knew she would do her best . She told Rita, who went on-line and found a solution that removed all the ink marks from the coat, and it looks like brand new again. I really appreciate these ladies going out of there way to find a solution and satisfy their customer.

  • en

    Diane Alexander


    The worst! Destroyed an expensive violet silk sleeveless top that is part of a set with a blouse. No apology. No offer of compensation. Instead accused the customer of causing the damage. Lies, lies, lies. We closed our account. Many people at Rivervue used to use Eco Green but most have transferred their accounts out to other dry cleaners.

  • en

    Desiree Gallas


    HORRIBLE - they ruined my $5,000 gown. They don't clean your whites or light colored pieces, they return them to you dirty they just press/steam the clothes. In early June I brought in a light colored gown to be cleaned and when I picked it up they assured me it was spotless so I didn't examine it. 6 months later, I go to wear the gown and saw that they didn't clean ANY of the spots on it, they just pressed the red wine and dirt into the dress. Took the dress to the most respected cleaners in the city and they charged me $500 to launder it. Eco Cleaners, after fughting with me agreed to give me $500 worth of cleaning to make up for the bill. Then when I brought in my clothes they said they will no longer accept anything from me. The dress is totally RUINED. So now, I am out a $5,000 gown and over $500 in cleaning charges. They are TERRIBLE cleaners and don't stand behind their work or their word!!!

  • en

    Debbie Webb


    Great cleaers! Ray and his staff do a excellent job with all my cleaning needs and the pick up and delivery service is much appreciated. Very friendly and professional and I am pleased to trust them with all my cleaning needs each week. The online coupons and newsletters are a bonus as well. Great job!

najbliższy Pralnia

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