Easy Rider Service Center en Northport

Estados UnidosEasy Rider Service Center



🕗 horarios

361, Fort Salonga Road, 11768, Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-757-3233
sitio web: www.easyriderny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8915197, Longitude: -73.3431112

comentarios 5

  • en

    Gerry Mander


    The work was done quickly and all the things that were needed were done very well.I would recommend them to anyone looking for great work at a good price.They are very helpful and friendly people.

  • joseph amodeo

    joseph amodeo


    Top notch,great local shop

  • Serafin Tiu

    Serafin Tiu


    My 2001 Toyota Sienna was making a loud noise coming from the muffler. Went to a franchised auto service center and found out the catalytic converter was rotted into the pipe and O2 sensor, Although a third party part is only $300, it is not advisable and needed genuine Toyota part which would cost around $1500-$1800. Went to Easy Rider and John, the mechanic, found out the catalytic converter appeared to be working and was detached from the pipe. He thought of using 2 clamps to attach the catalytic converter to the exhaust pipe. Butch the owner charged the part and service for $110, instead of thousand dollars. He said this is not guaranteed, it may work for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or maybe many years. This was 4 months ago and the Sienna is running perfectly. Thank you Butch for saving me a grand.

  • en

    Susan Aroniadis


    I actually enjoy going there, lol! They are friendly, easy going and knowledgeable not only that they take into consideration that I have 3 little kids and actually help me out so I can get done as soon as possible. It's a legit place with good people and honest service.

  • Joseph M. Ambrosio

    Joseph M. Ambrosio


    The only service you get at EZ Rider, is the BEST!!! Great team, no BS. They always tell you strait and don't try to oversell you, ever.

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