East Village Florist w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneEast Village Florist



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247, East 10th Street, 10009, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-387-8305
strona internetowej: evflorists.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7286757, Longitude: -73.9839778

komentarze 5

  • Alexandra clar

    Alexandra clar


    My mother loves gardening and she loves flowers, plants. Recently on her birthday gifted two potted plants one of fuchsia and Cacti. Both the plants looked wonderful and my mother loved the gift. Thank you East village florist. These guys are the best. They have the best floral collection and the outstanding creativity which makes them unique and rare in its own way.

  • Penelope Hudson

    Penelope Hudson


    If I could give more than 5 stars to them I would have definitely given them. They are the most creative and the best people. One of the best shop with such an excellent customer service. I ordered the wedding bouquet of my sister from this place. Their service was on time as promised and trust me the way they designed my sister’s wedding bouquet was out of the box. The flowers, the designs were just perfect. The finishing was top class.

  • Deirdre Knox

    Deirdre Knox


    It was just like a dream come true. What an absolutely beautiful arrangement made for me and my husband. Prompt telephone response and very simple to use website. I would definitely give 5 stars to them no doubt I will be using their services again.

  • David Atwood

    David Atwood


    Ordered a bouquet for delivery to my Father for his 57th birthday. The bouquet arrived on day/time as promised. More importantly, my Father said the flowers were so beautiful and fresh. Thank you so much East village florist !

  • Jennifer Platt

    Jennifer Platt


    What an amazing experience with East village florist. The flowers were beautiful and the delivery person was extremely friendly and professional. Thank You so much for being a part of our 14th anniversary.

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