East Side Laundromat w Bayonne

Stany ZjednoczoneEast Side Laundromat



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188, Avenue F, 07002, Bayonne, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-339-7724
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.663032, Longitude: -74.112097

komentarze 5

  • Madavi Lakeraj

    Madavi Lakeraj


    The lady who works here is very rude and disrespectful. She does not know how to speak to customers. She was speaking Spanish to another lady in the laundry mat about me and my sister, Little did she know we understood Spanish very well. She was mad because my sister was waiting for a washer and her friend wanted the machine too, being that my sister was waiting a very long time my sister took it and she got mad. The lady who works here became very irate and when I went to rinse the cover of my detergent bottle she slammed the bathroom door while I was in there. Never coming back here. Management definitely needs to improve. If I could rate this laundry a zero I would!

  • Frank Fontana

    Frank Fontana


    Nice clean laundromat. Always go there. Can get crowded on weekends. Water is clean and machines get your clothes clean.

  • Ruumy’s Jazz Room

    Ruumy’s Jazz Room


    A go to if you're a local. The sevice is great but there are only 2 large sized machines which can be an inconvience if you have a big family or want to wash comforters as well as clothing that day. Equally considerate and problematic is they don't remove clothing from machines when done so you may have to wait 20 mins and then prompt them to do so. Because their arent a lot of machines and several of them are out of order it can be an i convience. Be sure to avoid the over-sized dryers because your clothing will somehow be wet. The great thing about them which makes me feel okay about going there is they host a Halloween party for children every year going on 10 years straight that they pay for which provides food, entertainment and candy free of charge to participants. You can also buy coffe, snacks, play arcade games, and rent a massage chair while awaiting your clothes to finish. Plenty of counter space for folding as well.

  • en

    Benjamin Bowden


    The staff sometimes puts their own duties before your needs, but that doesn't matter that much if you only come here to use the washers and dryers.

  • en

    Joseph Cruz


    This is the worst place to do youre Laundry,machines dont work at all,also dries dont work no bathroom,and water falling from cealing.Be aware dont go here.The people that works there dont know what to do.They wont reimburse youre money.

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