East New York Eyecare en New York

Estados UnidosEast New York Eyecare



🕗 horarios

1680, Pitkin Avenue, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-498-2020
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.669471, Longitude: -73.9112388

comentarios 5

  • en

    keri Friedand


    My husband received excellent service. He said the employees were great. Received his glasses the same day.

  • en

    Myja Davis


    Juvon needs to come back.. they switched the rules and try to charge you more than what you’re supposed to pay .. also they lied and said my exam date was up when it was not!

  • Kopyrh Snyder-Shane

    Kopyrh Snyder-Shane


    Great experience, went in to see if they accepted Medicaid, they do. Got an appointment with the doctor within 10 minutes and got to pick up my new frames 30 minutes later. Would definitely go again, and recommend to others.

  • en

    v 1721


    Great service and excellent selection of glasses. Recommend it.

  • RookieOf TheYear

    RookieOf TheYear


    This place is amazing, not only that im a patient here but i like the service so much that i asked for a job, and guess what i was hired. no matter how bad reviews are this place is the most proffesional and helpfull eyeglass location on pitkin avenue strip

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