E Z Appliances w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczoneE Z Appliances



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3956, Buford Highway Northeast, 30345, Atlanta, DeKalb County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-748-6087
strona internetowej: www.ezappliancesga.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8589621, Longitude: -84.311147

komentarze 5

  • srikant chakravorty

    srikant chakravorty


    I bought a used washer dryer set which is working fine. Price is lowest in the market and addd benefit is the one year warranty(there is a $75 charge for any repair or replacement though). Delivery was cheaper than others and right on time.

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    Jacqueline Mitchell


    I had an awesome experience with these guys - everyone was friendly and helpful. I can be indecisive but the salesman and woman and warehouse workers gave me lots of advice and I picked out a great washer and dryer. Delivery and installation were seamless and I’d definitely recommend them to a friend. I’ve done about 4 loads so far and I already don’t mind laundry as much 👌

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    Dan Mirabal


    Well, I really am a believer in customer experience. Some say "This is THE BEST place" most reviews are very negative!

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    Rhonda Thomas


    This place is great bought a washer & dryer two years. I’ve had no problems. I’ve return today to buy my parents’ a new stove. They always have good affordable merchandise and the delivery service is on time and professional. I LOVE this place!!

  • david W

    david W


    I walk in and tell the guy I need an upright freezer. He shows me one near the back wall and as I'm looking it over he's telling me he can do better than the sticker price and warranty info. After a few minutes of looking it over I ask to open the sealed instruction booklet. By this time I'm wondering if this is a freezer because it has the clear shelf guards on the door. I start to look through the the instructions and it doesn't say anything about freezing temperatures only that the average temp should be around 34 degrees (F). I then look up the model number on Google and it turns out to be a refrigerator. The guy denied it and said instruction manuals are often generic and cover a lot of different models. I show him the Google results and he resorts to his computer and I don't hear from him again.

najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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