E Scheblein Plumbing & Heating w Oyster Bay

Stany ZjednoczoneE Scheblein Plumbing & Heating


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

18, Pine Hollow Road, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-759-0529
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8651353, Longitude: -73.5328772

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dave Golon


  • en

    Kai Gao


    Bad place, bad warranty, the owner does not care. First call, can't schedule appointments. Will call back with availability, never called back. Second attempt, no appoints, none are available ever. Wasn't aware this business was invite only. The owner and probably the tech put copper piping with metal bracket. the problem took more than their warranty coverage period to surface, but less than 2 years for the radiant heat to piping and pumps to corrode and threaten leaks. They also installed the pump in such a way that corrosion transfers to the heater. So now everything is corroding. Valves also failed. When asked to speak with Eric, the owner and man in charge of installing the system. He cannot be found. Warranty does not cover latent defects apparently. The lovely* receptionist is about the only person you can talk to at this place but she has no authority to make any decisions. Eric is too busy out installing failing system else where and is too busy to call you back.

  • en



    I have been using Eric and his men for a decade or more. I would not let anyone else near my pipes. Comes quickly and fair prices. Can't ask for more.

  • en

    Quentin Wilson


  • en

    Kevin Bartolotto


    Workers are neat and professional. Owner kept in contact when I needed him. Had no issues and highly recommend for any project.

najbliższy Hydraulik

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