Dyno Moving i New York

Forenede StaterDyno Moving



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261, Jamie Lane, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-496-0660
internet side: dynomoving.com
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Latitude: 40.5613586, Longitude: -74.1842958

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alex Cohen


    Best moving service that I have ever had. Movers were fast friendly and very efficient.

  • Brian Parisi

    Brian Parisi


    Couldn't recommend Dyno Moving anymore. Prices where clearly explained upfront via email and there were no surprise charges or anything. 3 guys, who were all extremely professional and really nice, moved all of our stuff into the truck and up two flights to our new place in 2 hours no problems or anything. Amazing service!!

  • Paul Zarubin

    Paul Zarubin


    The best movers in a city. I've just moved some stuff from Chicago and needed to unload 2 PODS of my belongings to the 6th floor of a walk up. 3men finished everything in 2 hours. They helped me with assembly of some furniture pieces, and after that asked if they can help me with anything else. Great service and people.

  • Bertram Schewel

    Bertram Schewel


    Copying me Yelp review: Dyno moving gave me an all around great moving experience. I was moving from a 5th floor walk-up in Manhattan to an elevator building in Brooklyn (both 1 BR) and the whole move took 2 1/2 hours. Michael and crew were right on time and worked very quickly, while also treating all my humble belongings with a great deal of respect. I found that in the end, all these moving companies are going to cost about the same. If you want professional movers who work hard, hire Dyno!

  • en

    Debra Mandelbaum


    My movers were amazing- they moved everything in a very timely manner and made sure everything was boxed and packed safely- nothing was lost or broken. They made sure to place the client's desires first. They were flexible and accommodating and fair with pricing. I highly recommend this company!

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