Dynamic Movers NYC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDynamic Movers NYC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

447, Broadway, 10013, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 888-224-6264
strona internetowej: dynamicmoversnyc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.720591, Longitude: -74.001466

komentarze 5

  • Joyce Fills

    Joyce Fills


    We had a tight schedule from business meetings and life happenings that’s why we needed some help from a moving company to move our stuffs from the apartment to our new house just 2 miles away. These guys were friendly, polite and they handled with care our stuff. They moved quickly our things from the apartment to the truck and into our new house. All our stuff arrived and no breaks and damage. I highly recommend Dynamic movers for a job well done.

  • Sharon Stanford

    Sharon Stanford


    In just a short noticed these guys made my move awesome. It was a fast, organized and very professional move that they made. They were personable and did a good job in moving my stuff with care. From the name itself, surely they were very Dynamic in moving your stuffs. Thanks for the big help Dynamic movers team.

  • Margaret Shanely

    Margaret Shanely


    It was my first moving experience and I used this company to move my things to my new apartment. They did everything quickly and they were very efficient also. It was a great experience hiring them. I will definitely call them again for my future move.

  • Sophie lancaster

    Sophie lancaster


    This moving company has a great customer service. They were very courteous, responsive and professional. They do their work on time, prompt and they will give you the right estimate for your moving needs. You will really get what you paid for, it was worth every penny spent with them. Kudos to your Team Dynamic Movers.

  • Eileen McGrady

    Eileen McGrady


    I’m moving to Albany from New York. I want to move by myself to save some money, but it turned to be much work for myself. I looked online for some deals and found Dynamic Movers. Their deals were great and exactly on my budget, it was just half the price to be exact. They moved all of my things within the day which amazed me very well. If I needed to move again in the future Dynamic movers will be the one that I will instantly. Thank you Dynamic Movers for taking care of my things.

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