DVG Realty, LLC Omaha w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneDVG Realty, LLC Omaha



🕗 godziny otwarcia

503, South 36th Street, 68105, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-680-1010
strona internetowej: www.dvgrealty.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2558117, Longitude: -95.9658685

komentarze 5

  • Charlie Streich

    Charlie Streich


    The best realty company in Omaha, hands down!!! Kayla and the accounting team at DVG provide prompt reliable service to any accounting concerns or issues. This team always strives to be 100% accurate for their clients. Kayla is extremely dedicated to her work and is willing to go above and beyond for anyone, working as late as needed. She is a great and valuable asset to the DVG accounting team.

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    Chip Heldman


    I have worked with DVG on three different purchases now and I have been very pleased with each one. Everyone there including Ted, Sara & Rochelle have always responded quickly and gone out of their way to provide detailed answers to my questions and concerns. I truly value the professional service and advice I have received from them and greatly respect their knowledge of the market.

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    I have rented from them for over a year. The two things at my house that broke were fixed as quick as I could expect anyone to fix them which is what I was looking for. I am a contractor and that is actually how I found this company I deal with Gloria at least every month. In about a year and a half I can say not one thing has happened that was even remotely a problem.

  • Rochelle Nickerson

    Rochelle Nickerson


    The team at DVG and Orange property management are extremely friendly and work hard to meet everyone's needs. Greatly appreciate all their help in getting me into my new apartment. I'm so in love with it!

  • en

    Omar Diaz


    I appreciate and commend DVG for keeping my building well maintained. Thank you. I also thank the administration for informed of any changes.. keep the good work please.

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