Duty Free Americas - LGA, Gate D1 i New York

Forenede StaterDuty Free Americas - LGA, Gate D1



🕗 åbningstider

LaGuardia Airport, Queens, NY 11371, США
kontakter telefon: +1 718-476-9569
internet side: www.dutyfreeamericas.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7753054, Longitude: -73.874227

kommentar 3

  • Gurmeet kaur

    Gurmeet kaur


  • en

    Wayne Chapdelaine


    Purchased from this store. They are supposed to bring to gate. They didn't. Ran back to DFA as flight was boarding to ask for my stuff. Lady working didn't seem to care that the flight was boarding. She then started trying to get the attention of another female employee who was away from the kiosk and playing on her phone. Other female employee didn't come. Had to ask her for my stuff so I could run through the terminal to catch my flight. Arrived at Toronto Pearson and the liquor was seized because DFA didn't package it properly. This is the second time this has happened to me. Terrible service. UPDATE - November 1 2017 Still no refund after 2 months even though it was promised and no response to emails sent to company.

  • Robert Goggins

    Robert Goggins


nærmeste Vinhandel

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