Dunkin' Donuts en New York

Estados UnidosDunkin' Donuts



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3402, Union Street, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-321-7511
sitio web: www.dunkindonuts.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7667737, Longitude: -73.8275948

comentarios 5

  • Burt Ramai

    Burt Ramai


    so here Iam ordered coffee 6 pks of sugar with cream on the side. theu started talking about me because I ask for no cheese in my wake up rap. then they gave me 2 pks of sugar. I thought nothing of it then the cashier gave me 4 PKS apparently which wet and dried with coffee stains then she started arguing with me because I didn't want that PK of sugar. what the hell did I come to beg here? that how they made me feel. then I was made their topic..... that's what customer services is about? I dont think my request was so highly demanding...... the ppl working there are very disgusting.

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    Richard Gates


    Quick and pleasant service. Nice neighborhood branch of this store.

  • Krzysztof Redziniak

    Krzysztof Redziniak


    I took off 1 star for each negative experience. I've been here many times. The service is decent most of the time. Incident 1) I purchased a toasted bagel around 7am once on a Saturday and it was hard and old in texture. Incident 2) I purchased some hash browns and they didn't have ketchup. Why would you sell hash browns without ketchup? Alone they taste like salted cardboard since everything is microwaved. It was disgusting eating them. Further review a month later - (05/07/2018) One instance there was a dead roach relaxing right past the short swivel door adjacent to the bathroom, on the floor, right next to all their machines. Another instance I was ordering a coffee for a co-worker. My coworker wanted a medium. They had no medium cups so they charged me for a large even though it was their fault. Another instance they had some loud fire alarm there ringing which kicked everyone out of the store. I am done with this place. Those 3 women do not know how to manage anything. I can pay 3 dollars for a tea somewhere else. I wish I could give them zero stars.

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    KARLA Betancourt


    I love the staff here, they are all so nice, it probably helps that they see me at least 3x per day. I could go on and on about how great they are at running the place. I will say that the owner needs to have 2 people working together at night. I understand 1 employee for the last hour but not before. The employees saftey is at risk when they need to use the rest room or prepare items in the back the owner should consider this.

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    school tang


    Everything's fine until they cheat you out of your food and money. The environment is nice with big posters about discounts and stuff, and they clearly don't come nearly the quality on the posters and there's no discount!!!😡😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠 The staff are slow and take their time, which I would understand IF THE FOOD ACTUALLY HAVE ANY QUALITY AT ALL.

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