Dunkin' Donuts w Lincoln Park

Stany ZjednoczoneDunkin' Donuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

188, Main Street, 07035, Lincoln Park, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-694-8300
strona internetowej: www.dunkindonuts.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9229679, Longitude: -74.305827

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ibby Ala


    Online it clearly states that this dunkin closes at 10pm on a Friday night; therefore, I expect dunkin to be open until 10pm. If you are going to shut your doors at 9/9:30 please change your hours so that people don’t waste their time!

  • Thania Vargas

    Thania Vargas


    So clean ,the personal is really nice

  • en

    Paul OZ


    Fast service but just another fast food chain

  • en

    Pamela Fichtler


    Great place but use mobile to go lines get long and may have to circle block a few times during weekend mornings or before 10am on weekdays.

  • en

    Dee G


    Horrible place. They have an employee who constantly yells and it rude to customers. When I was there she was yelling at 2 customers because he asked for more cream. She told him no I am busy. When I came to order she was so rude to me. I asked for the manager and she said no you don't need to see the manager. The manager apologized for her but she was still yelling the background. I saw her tag it said Elizabeth. Another time I called because she was there so I had gotten my food and drinks and left quickly not to have to deal with her. When I got home I realized they gave me the wrong coffee. I called and she answered. I recognized her voice. I asked for a manager she said why. When I told her my order was wrong she said we are busy you took your drink and hung up on ME...UNBELIEVABLE. Do not go there unless you want to be treated like dirt. The managers have no control over this employee.

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