Dunkin' Donuts w Old Bridge Township

Stany ZjednoczoneDunkin' Donuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
1076, U.S. 9, 08857, Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-553-0375
strona internetowej: www.dunkindonuts.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4511874, Longitude: -74.2987856

komentarze 5

  • Steve Gunther

    Steve Gunther


    They charge different pricing than what they have displayed in the store. When I brought it to their attention, their response was, "too bad." Be sure to check your receipt, as they probably overcharge on more than just the one item.

  • en

    Mobin Akhtar


    Today I went there to buy a coffee the coffee was cold and the lady she work there her name was FATIMA she was so rude with the customers even with me.I saw she didn't say any greetings No thanks and even I noticed she never say Please when she asking money from the customer including me.I owe her 23c she just said to me 23c So please I would like to recommend to FATIMA she need to learn more customers service, that how to talk with the customers and how to respect them beacuse customers is your first priority customers they run your business so please miss FATIMA keep smiling on your face with every customer when they walks in. I would like to say about her FATIMA she need to learn how to prepared order and how to asking money by the customer. Thank you.

  • shaheryar khalid

    shaheryar khalid


    Very plesent service greg and lisa night shift is the best shift always welcoming these two are the best

  • vijayanand hongal

    vijayanand hongal


    Ordered old fashioned plain bagels and was out of stock. So ordered sesame flavor. Came home to eat it and it was very hard. Had to use metal knife to cut and felt it is better to throw than eat. Since it was late night 12, and wanted to eat something reaching home. Had to sleep without eating. Bad experience.

  • Frank Gatto

    Frank Gatto


    Fast and friendly, donuts are fresh and the ice coffe was made excatly how i asked which is rare in alot of places. Place was clean also. Important to me...lol

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