Dumbarton Oaks Museum w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneDumbarton Oaks Museum



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1703, 32nd Street Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-339-6401
strona internetowej: www.doaks.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.914148, Longitude: -77.0640129

komentarze 5

  • en

    Paula Paula


    Kind of a hidden gem. Lovely small museum with interesting things to see. i really enjoy it

  • en

    Seohyun Jung


    Stay away if you are dressed up, they will kick you out. I went there last week with my parents and it was a nice garden, so I took my cousins who came from out of town. They came directly after church meeting on a Sunday and they were on a dress(short-casual) and suit with tie. We were kick out by the security in the front entrance saying that we cannot come in because of the way they are dressed. He thought we are going to take photos. We are not professional photographers. I told him we already read all the policy on the website and we are not doing anything that is against the policy. He told us that its a new policy of the dress code and we saw nothing like that on the website nor anywhere. He was very rude saying 'You got to get out'. He then called the supervisor and when he came he asked us is this is an even photography. We said No. He said we still cannot come in because of the suit and tie, we told him okay, we can take the suit jacket and tie off but he kept changing his wording. He said we cannot take a photo of the garden as a background. It didn't make any sense to me since all other people were taking photos and had better cameras than I do. All four of us were really frustrated because we drove over an hour to get there, we thought if this is some kind of racist thing since we were all Asian, and we were dressed up too nice. Seriously, awful awful experience.

  • en

    Joshua Hamilton


    Really a hidden gem as far as DC museums go. Admission is free for the museum itself (admission to the gardens will run you 10$, but is definitely worth it). Highlights include Byzantine and central American collections

  • Rachel Carillo

    Rachel Carillo


    I can't wait for the Dumbarton Oaks Gardens to reopen!! Such a remarkable, historic gift to the city to roam both the gardens AND Museum. One of the largest collections of pre-Columbian art is housed at Dumbarton Oaks - and there is the added wonderment of great work on behalf of the United Nations and world peace.

  • Katie Silva

    Katie Silva


    Randomly ran into this museum and it's definitely worth a visit. It's free and they have all kinds of ancient artifacts displayed in a very unique set up. The museum was designed by a famous architect (can't remember who) and it's a unique design with a lot of windows.

najbliższy Muzeum

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