Duane Reade i Jersey City

Forenede StaterDuane Reade



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110, Newark Avenue, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 201-433-0108
internet side: www.walgreens.com
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Latitude: 40.7197262, Longitude: -74.0422134

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vivian Zhou


    Product selection isn’t ideal beside there is a dark thick-eyebrow heavy-set lady has the rudest attitude towards cashier. Can we pay a tiny little bit more respect here to each other? Job can be boring but please don't be rude, that's really nasty.

  • en

    Kristopher Musumano


    NO ECO PRODUCTS ! Its very annoying that this location used to carry many green/eco-friendly products (cleaners and paper goods). They re-branded their merchandise and got rid of ALL Eco Products!!!! Now they specialize in low-end cleaners with colorful dyes, attractive to small children but bad for health and the planet. I used to do lot of my shopping there, but go elsewhere because of their BACKWARDS decision about merchandise. Key Foods is now offering their own eco products and green paper goods...and are now getting my busine$$ !

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    Elijah Abel


    The pharmacists were a bit rude on pickup. The general part of the store is fine. Sometimes the line can get backed up if you're going after everyone gets out of work, but that's not a huge deal because the line moves quickly.

  • Randommelly51015



    I understand that is mostly Indian/ Korean/Chinese Asian dominant area but when i say no one I mean NO ONE would help me and my friend (from a foreign country) NO ONE AT ALL. I was there for an hour and even after no assistance basically was there for a hour for nothing, since all the servers were down just for me. I guess they told me to go to another store. No one try to reset the server nothing. I'm black by the way.

  • Elizabeth Ide

    Elizabeth Ide


    The pharmacy is terrible. I've had at least 3 occasions where physicians call in prescriptions and the pharmacy doesn't have the order. If I thought their staff was competent I wouldn't point fingers, but it's consistently been their screw up. Crappy customer service and you can always expect a long line. Can't wait for another pharmacy to give them some much needed competition.

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