Dry Clean Super Center w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneDry Clean Super Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5501, West Arkansas Lane, 76016, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-496-0181
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7080835, Longitude: -97.1899571

komentarze 5

  • Nazmy Natia

    Nazmy Natia


  • en

    Rusty Hancock


  • Cheryl Bell

    Cheryl Bell


    On multiple occasions this cleaners has provided me my laundered items with stains or issues that are not repairable. Please note that twice of seven such instances were directly related to my husband leaving a pen in his shirt pocket, so these instances we own and cut or losses but the other five instances of failure have been directly related to their performance. When questioned, they never accept responsibility or make any account for their actions. I will not use this facility any longer. They are convenient to my location but not my pocket book. They lack customer service in never taking ownership of their failings. The last instance, I had given them five pair of slacks to launder. Upon pick up, I notice one pair of pants had multiple stains visible from my vehicle at the drive thru. They claimed they had an issue with their machine that day and would keep that pair for redo. At this point I agreed. Upon picking the redo slacks up today, two stains were still visible. When questioned, the young man working there said that when customers bring them stained items they need to point it out. To which I explained that they messed them up with stains due to a faulty machine told to me by their staff and already kept them for redo. He said their machine did not mess up and was confused by what I said and what other woman there told me such a thing. They do not mess up voting He said. He said I was the first customer to ever complain of such a thing. This did not lead to a pleasant ending to this conversation at all. I have seen at least two other customers displeased with their results in the store but chalked it up to things happen. No more. I would advise others to inspect their work and hold them accountable. Or take your business elsewhere. There are others who provide this service with better results and care and have the decency to handle issues in a more professional manner. I will be yakking my business elsewhere.

  • Marilyn Hysell Riner

    Marilyn Hysell Riner


  • Syeda Adrita Hossain

    Syeda Adrita Hossain


najbliższy Pralnia

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