Dry Clean Super Center w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneDry Clean Super Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2440, Ballpark Way, 76006, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-274-4400
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7760304, Longitude: -97.0743164

komentarze 5

  • en

    al smith


    Whoever the older lady is that works here will be the reason I don’t bring my business here anymore. Very unhappy with her life and takes it out on me the customer. First few time I dropped my cloths off and paid when I picked them up then I met her and she made the biggest deal I’ve ever seen over pre paying. Kinda implied I couldn’t afford it which really offended me. Second time I showed up on saturdays around 7:15-7:30 am as I work 8-10 on saturdays, keep in mind I did this 3 weeks prior as well. She came out and said well we don’t open till 8 but I’ll make an acception if it’s pickup and I said okay thank you and she stormed off. Came out and told me the pen ink they couldn’t get out because it ruins their machines even tho I asked if they could when I dropped them off but oh well. So she said all she could get me was store credit so I told her in that case I’ll just dispute it with my credit card company and then miraculously she could give me a refund. Now this is only with whoever this old lady is everyone else is super friendly and accommodating but she however is very rude

  • en

    Clinton Holland



  • Nikki Boyd

    Nikki Boyd


    First and possibly last visit. Polite staff, but I was not impressed with the quality received. My clothes were returned to me covered in long strands of hair along with a layer of lint. I've tried several different places over the years and never had this problem.

  • en

    Appie E


    I have been to this business twice. The first time I went to pick up items my wife had dropped off. It took them 20 minutes to find the items. They had entered our phone number incorrectly. Today was my second time to visit. I called to see what time they would be closing and was told in 15 minutes. I said good I'm going to swing by and drop off some clothes. I was told their system was not allowing them to accept items at this time. I asked if I could drop off my clothes as they have my information in their system. I was told I could if I had a credit card on file. When I walked in both of the ladies gave me very unfriendly looks, I was not even greeted. I was asked for my number and told you do not have a credit card on file in a rude tone. She continued with "I will have to count these up and you'll have to pre-pay." again in a rude manner. Now their system could accept items. I asked for my clothes back told her I would take my business elsewhere. I asked for her owners name twice which she never provided. It seems to me that these employees did not want to accept any items so close to closing. I have to ask, where has customer service gone? I do believe that dry cleaning is a business based on customers.

  • en

    JD Bancroft


    I have been a customer for several years they always do a great job. Not only do they do a great job but they are very honest too I accidentally left 300.00 in the pocket of one of my shirts and they called to let me know as soon as they discovered it. I highly suggest this business to any and all I come in contact with.

najbliższy Pralnia

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