Drug Mart of Millwood en Millwood

Estados UnidosDrug Mart of Millwood



🕗 horarios

230, Saw Mill River Road, 10546, Millwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-923-9200
sitio web: www.drugmarts.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1876768, Longitude: -73.8021511

comentarios 5

  • Caitlin Offenhartz

    Caitlin Offenhartz


    Great drug store. They are very helpful with recommendations for over the counter medications. They always get the prescription medications you need even when they don't have it in stock. They will get it within a day or two and the tell you when it will be there. I love having this place in my area!!

  • Meaghan O'Brien

    Meaghan O'Brien


    Great family atmosphere.

  • Kate Truslow Montgomery

    Kate Truslow Montgomery


    Wonderful diversity of things to buy for kids, small gifts, good paperbacks and news mags and papers, cosmetics, eye glasses, etc. Plus, concerned, friendly and knowledgable pharmacy staff! We are lucky to have them in Millwood.

  • John Gollisz

    John Gollisz


    Do you also do Vision Tests for the DMV? I saw your place on the official list.

  • en

    Renee DeCesare


    They are very helpful and kind. Everyone who works there are professional, and have a smile on their face . Also the pharmacists are great. They tell you everything you need to know about the drugs as well quick. I live 45 minutes away from Drug Mart , but I would rather go there than anywhere else.

Farmacia más cercano

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