Drake's Tavern i Tulsa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDrake's Tavern



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1546, East 15th Street, 74120, Tulsa, Tulsa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 918-295-5850
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1404862, Longitude: -95.9698837

kommentar 5

  • Andrew DeFever

    Andrew DeFever


    Favorite shotgun bar on cherry street

  • en

    Aaron Rodriguez


    Pure dive. One of the 3 best dive bars in Tulsa. Bartenders are awesome and treat you like people. Not like customers. If you're rude. They are. If you're polite. They are. And it's hard to find genuine people like that in the service industry. If you want a casual\intimate night with a friend\date, this is the place. Casual. Friendly if you are. Real. Try this bar. If you're not an ass hole person who thinks that those people should meet your every demand. You're going to love it. No "let me talk to your manager haircuts" aloud.

  • William Olsen

    William Olsen


    Office little pub woth great atmosphere

  • Casey Schonefeld

    Casey Schonefeld


    Lindsey is THE best bartender in town! If you want cheap drinks and wanna meet down to earth good people, come to Drake's!

  • Rick Dooley

    Rick Dooley


    Good hole in the wall bar to balance out the yuppyism of Cherry Street. Good service. Narrow, European style building lay out...

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