Dragon Kim's Karate USA w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDragon Kim's Karate USA


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601, Manor Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej: dkkarateusa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6127441, Longitude: -74.1223271

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cassandra Sugao


    I started doing Karate here about a month ago as a white belt and the whole school and especially Master CJ are extremely welcoming and supporting! He makes you work super hard but somehow you still want to come back to every single lesson! The whole atmosphere in this karate school is really nice and familiar! I can only see fun and success in the future so I recommend this school to everyone!

  • en

    Nicole Stetson


    I am so happy that I met Master C.J. and he encouraged me to try out his karate class. Joining this school has been one of the best experiences. Not only are the classes a great workout but you are surrounded by people who motivate you to be your best! If you are looking for something to better yourself and to make new friends then this is the place to be.

  • en

    Laura Cassarino


    They won me over at the first trial class! Completely amazed at their work ethic! I chose karate to help my son grow out of his protective shell and they are truly helping him blossom out of it with a strong and positive confidence! So proud of him! Master CJ is truly amazing and so happy he can be an example to my son and all the kids attending! I myself was contemplating the idea of joining!

  • Lauren Tepfer

    Lauren Tepfer


    I started out as a white belt in this school and soon I'll be getting my black belt. Training here is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Master C.J. is so welcoming to any and all skill levels and he really tailors the workouts and drills to the entire class. He's encouraging and makes you want to be the best version of yourself. I HIGHLY recommend this school to kids and adults of all ages!

  • en

    Catherine Ebro


    Love this karate school! Master CJ is awesome and extremely thorough with his instructions. He modifies workouts and exercises to be compatible with the different leveled learners in class. I would highly recommend his class if you are trying to look and feel great!

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