Dr Vito Clarizio, DMD w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDr Vito Clarizio, DMD



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149-21, 14th Avenue, 11357, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-746-1415
strona internetowej: www.whitestonelaserdentist.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.788719, Longitude: -73.815432

komentarze 5

  • Tania Docke

    Tania Docke


    Vito is the best odontologist. I tried several dentists (covered by my insurance) and always come back to him. Now, I decided to stay. He has state of the art equipment and his staff is so friendly.

  • en

    Lisa Pascalli


    Thank you for keeping my family's smiles Healthy and Pretty, for at least 27 yrs. I look forward to our visits. Moving to Long Island 20 years ago wasn't going to keep us from receiving the best care!! Please don't ever retire!!!!

  • en

    Isa Erdtmann


    My experience was pure bliss. I have perfect teeth thanks to Dr. Clarizio and his great knowledge on invisalign! Thank you so much!!!

  • en

    Elenora Levin


    The best Dentist I've ever had. Dr. Clarizio's hands are like fairies, you feel nothing while he working in your mouth. Office hours are extremely accommodating, office is immaculate , staff is incredible and very professional The Absolute BEST DENTIST!

  • Jose Juarez

    Jose Juarez


    Ill break down my review into 3 categories. - Dentist - Establishment - Staff - Dentist - Vito is amazing as a dentist. He is VERY easy to communicate with and have him understand you. He breaks things down to you in a way that you feel included in the way he is managing your case. ( I currently have braces at 32 years old and I am loving every day with them) Plus, he is quite funny. - Establishment - the place is beautiful. Big screen TV in the waiting area with Apple TV and very nice and comfortable seats. There is a TV in the ceiling when you are actually getting work done to be entertained. Very clean and modern looking. - Staff - The staff here are very nice and personable. They remember your name which is great and homely. Also and probably the coolest thing, they take care of the parking meter for you while you are in there so its never an issue. - Over all, amazing experience and fun. It makes dentist visits something to look forward to.

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