Dr. Michael Oh D.M.D. / D.D.S. w Carson

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Michael Oh D.M.D. / D.D.S.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

111, Carson Street, 90745, Carson, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 310-835-7610
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8324294, Longitude: -118.2774209

komentarze 5

  • Car Card

    Car Card


    I been going to Dr Oh for 40 years now my Family are also going with Dr. Oh the staff is so helpful and if I need emergency work done he helps with that. I don’t trust anyone else.

  • Jason Chaing

    Jason Chaing


    I came in to get a routine tooth extraction and it went very well. Pricing is also very good when comparing to all the local ones Considering the location and nerve pain in the area where the anesthesia was injected, the actual extraction had no pain. The staff was very nice and helpful. I will be coming here again!

  • Elaine Sherman

    Elaine Sherman


    Dr Oh has been my family dentist since the 80’s. I married and moved away from Carson but still find myself driving the 1.5 hrs to Carson for. My dental check ups. He just has a way with pain management he is so good. Before you know it he’s done. Very affordable and I recommend as many to him as I can. Worth the drive on a Saturday morning. Thank you Dr Oh

  • Steven Oh

    Steven Oh


    You have plenty of Smiles 4 Less & expensive dental groups available in the area, but this establishment is as O.G. as the El Pollo Loco/Foster's Freeze located in the same plaza. They all pre-date before even a Yoshinoya existed there! Especially during these pandemic times it's important to support the small mom and pop places that need the help to weather this storm. You're not going to find a more experienced dentist working in this area than Dr. Oh! Joanne and the staff are the heart of the operation always greeting with a friendly smile and taking care of your needs. When you hear do you know a good dentist in Carson? Dr. Oh is always my answer...Thanks for everything Dr. OH!! =D

  • Anita Agustin

    Anita Agustin


    When for a cleaning. Ended up getting my wisdom tooth removed as well. Dr. Oh did not mentioned I had cavities and in fact said I had none. I went to a different dentistry for the first time since Dr. Oh was not accommodating. The gave me total opposite important and in fact I had cavities. His wife Joan works with him as the receptionist. Very unprofessional work. I feel bad for the assistant. Never coming back. Don’t wasted your time people.

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