Dr. Evan Goldstein, DDS w Freeport

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Evan Goldstein, DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

100, Brooklyn Avenue, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-378-7880
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6575871, Longitude: -73.5876843

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dalida Tayler


    So sorry I trusted Dr Goldstein for 3 plus years! All he cared about was just collecting my insurance and doing the bare minimum on my teeth. Words cannot express how upset I am! I definately do not recommend

  • en

    Andrew Gippetti


    My husband and I travel for this practice . Michael, the hygienist is by far the best(doesn't hurt you) . Having had so many cleanings for years and years you really learn the dynamics of dentistry. No sale pitches here. This office is clean , professional and show concern for their patients. They don't push any extras , which is why if I ever considered to have any this would be the place !!! If you need a cleaning make sure to request Michael , you won't be disappointed.Thank you dr Goldstein and all of your staff .

  • en

    jam gil


    Receptionist who answered the phone was very rude and unhelpful. Hung up on the first time I called, and wouldn't even give me any information until I mentioned I have insurance! After she finally let me explain my situation she told me to come in at 430, but when I didn't have my referral source she didn't want 2 seconds for me to find the information. And said "never mind we are busy, come tomorrow". Totally disregarding me and very rude! If this is how you treat patients over the phone, I don't want anything to do with this office!

  • Brad Miller

    Brad Miller


    Dr. Goldstein runs an excellent practice. Everyone is quite hospitable and professional. I would highly recommend going here.

  • Paul Cavanagh

    Paul Cavanagh


    I have been going to Dr. Goldstein for several years. I have nothing but rave reviews for Dr. Goldstein and his staff. His staff is professional, friendly and accomodating. Dr. Goldstein always expalins before and after exactly what he is doing and it is as painless as a dental visit can be.

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