Dr. Dental en Chelsea

Estados UnidosDr. Dental



🕗 horarios

2, Washington Avenue, 02150, Chelsea, Suffolk County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 617-887-2100
sitio web: www.mydrdental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 42.393022, Longitude: -71.0341586

comentarios 5

  • Bart Steele

    Bart Steele


    Best dentist office I have ever been to. Staff is friendly and the dentist is highly skilled (and funny)!! I recommend this place to anyone who wants great teeth!!

  • Sara Soriano

    Sara Soriano


    This is a nice office where all patients feel at home ... also there are very good professionals taking care of the oral health of their patients! 👍

  • Amy Yeager

    Amy Yeager


    I put off going to the dentist for years out of fear. I finally decided it was time to go and am glad I chose Dr. Dental. Dr. Patel was the least terrifying dentist I have ever had, and he worked quickly and efficiently, explaining everything. The dental assistants were all friendly and patient, and the front desk staff knew my name my second visit. Overall, it was as positive of an experience that a dental office could offer.

  • en

    Irene Loussedes


    Was a little nervous about going to a new dentist but was very happy to view the great system they have. Very professional from the desk staff to Dr. Patel who explained everything to me without pushing me I am now a new patient

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    Dean Defendini


    It's a great place good Personnel friendly doctors I got to Golden Touch they're good to go in my book 5 stars!

Dentista más cercano

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