Dr. Bard J. Levey w Croton-on-Hudson

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Bard J. Levey



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Baltic Place, 10520, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-271-6224
strona internetowej: www.youramazingsmile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2273352, Longitude: -73.9091304

komentarze 5

  • elan jamil

    elan jamil


    best painless dentist in new york, ever! he was very quick to diagnose my toothache, fixed my tooth, and i can chew on it with no pain. i would recommend dr bard levey, as he is an amazing dentist.

  • en

    Valerie Johnson


    I met Dr. Levey today for the first time. I am very happy. Not only is he very polite, he also made sure he explained ever procedure he will be do in detail. I’ve searched long a hard for my perfect Dentist. My search is over. Thank you Dr Levey for make my visit very comfortable and taking the time to make sure I fully understood everything. I felt special. I’m excited and look forward to you giving me a new healthy beautiful smile.

  • Michelle Garrison Hough

    Michelle Garrison Hough


    I have been coming to this dentist for 4 years. My husband and kids also come to this practice. The entire staff is wonderful.

  • en

    Ann Vulpone


    The most pleasant dr’s office I have ever been in. Pleasant decor, friendly staff left me feeling calm and not anxious. Meeting Dr Levey confirmed that emotion. He is knowledgeable, honest and takes time to explain everything. I am more than thrilled with the choice of my new dentist. I highly recommend trying him.

  • en

    Alice Streng


    My experiences at Dr. Levey’s are always positive. He makes me feel so comfortable and I am never in any pain. He always makes me feel like I am his top priority. I have had a lot of work done and I am more than pleased with the results. I highly recommend Dr. Levey!

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