Dr. Alan M. Friedman, DMD en Hasbrouck Heights

Estados UnidosDr. Alan M. Friedman, DMD



🕗 horarios

215, Terrace Avenue, 07604, Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-288-8898
sitio web: www.acedmd.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.859505, Longitude: -74.074301

comentarios 5

  • Christine Vecchione

    Christine Vecchione


    Dr. Friedman and his office has been taking care of my family for 3 generations. He treats you like family and his care is exceptional.

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    Louise Furfaro


    Always extremely pleasant. Every experience is caring & professional. Every member of the staff follow dr. Friedman' lead. Excellent!!!

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    John Skelton


    Dr. Friedman makes going to the Dentist a pleasure. He takes his time, focusing all his attention on one patient at a time. He and his staff are very friendly and caring. They make you feel very comfortable from the moment you walk in the door!

  • Lauren Thompson

    Lauren Thompson


    Dr. Friedman makes going to the dentist a breeze! He is personable, friendly and you can tell he really cares about his patients. He always explains exactly what he is going to do and what you will expect before doing any work, even if it is a simple cleaning. I have gone to dentists in the past that have been more "fancy" but the service certainly cannot compare. I am always taken on time for my appointment and his full attention is on me as the patient - there is no double booking or him running back and forth between different patients. In the past I have been left in a room "numbing" to get a cavity filled and the dentist would work on other patients and return 1/2 hour later! He did that multiple times which caused me to be there for 2+ hours - so frustrating! The office staff is also great at calling and letting you know of any changes that may arise. I would certainly recommend him!!

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    Brad Lindemann


    Dr. Friedman is the most conscientious doctors I have ever been a patient of. The fact that he monitors his phone seven days a week is amazing. His administration of Novocain is in itself painless. (not sure how he does this) He and his staff explain any issues and treatment alternatives. They are not pushy although maybe they should be. Dr. Friedman has been recommending that I use a dental appliance to prevent me from grinding my teeth at night for the past few years. I finally agreed a few weeks ago, it took 15 minutes to fabricate after I got my teeth cleaned. I am sleeping better, not snoring, and of course not grinding! Kudos to Dr. Friedman!

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