DQ Luxury Reflexology Massage & Relaxation Retreat w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneDQ Luxury Reflexology Massage & Relaxation Retreat



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910, South Michigan Avenue, 60605, Chicago, Cook County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 312-986-8091
strona internetowej: michiganavespa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8701883, Longitude: -87.6249677

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sharone Williams


    I love this place I just had a massage Friday and it is a relaxing place. They are very professional and courteous. I do recommend this place. It says reflexology but its massage therapy.

  • shawn viverretta

    shawn viverretta


    DQ luxury is losing my business because they offer Groupon but do not honor them on the weekend or holidays. Those are days which are convenient for most people especially me. I can't see how they could be losing money by imposing this restriction because you end up paying a hefty tip after the service. It's a shame. Anyone agree?

  • en

    Edgar Diaz


    I would have given this place five stars and I think you would agree. We usually get the hour massage from Groupon. Recently they are not honoring the Groupon and weekends or holidays. What is going on you are losing my service and my money because those are the best times that's why we buy the Groupon to go on weekends or on a holiday shame on you how can you get more service or more money when you are eliminating the days that folks go. So the coupon you get for 25 you're going to give them $10 tip or 20 so comes out to 35 or 45 why can't you under the weekend. The only thing I could think of is they don't want to get more or pay more for staff on the weekend or holidays. DQ I was in love with you you had all my money but now hopefully you change your ways.. If you agree with me favor my review so that we can get weekends back.

  • Tamara Thompson

    Tamara Thompson


    The Reflexology was great and affordable. I also had a pedicure and no chip manicure. My no chip manicure chipped on the 3rd day! Also, both the reflexology and nail areas were very cold! I would go back for the reflexology but not the mani pedi.

  • Megan Pogue

    Megan Pogue


    First off, don’t bother with groupon it isn’t really a discount. Also, when you schedule your appointment be sure to ask if you want a woman to massage you. When I got reflexology foot massage I was expecting just foot and hands, but was pleasantly surprised it included most of the body, except I had a man massaging me and was uncomfortable when he was massaging my butt. If it wasnt for that I probably would give 5 stars. Good service for good prices!

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