Downtown Urgent Care i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDowntown Urgent Care



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267, South San Pedro Street, 90012, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 213-947-3600
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Latitude: 34.047929, Longitude: -118.242715

kommentar 5

  • en

    Efren Zarete


    I was there a couple of weeks ago. I don't have benefits through my employer yet, so I needed a place that took cash or credit cards. Found this facility online. I had a really bad ear canal infection. I wasn't expecting much, but I was extremely surprised with the entire experience. First, very clean, professional and modern facility. Staff was very friendly, helpful and attentive. Dr. Chung was awesome! They explain their services and costs. If they recommend any treatments or services, they will explain the cost to you BEFORE it's done so you can choose to accept or decline. The prices were very fair and affordable. They had the medication I needed and the one they didn't have I was given a prescription for. Their hours are parking....I would def go back!

  • Huw Dixon

    Huw Dixon


    Clean, bright facilities. Friendly and attentive staff checked me in right away and got the process going. The doctor really put me at ease and explained the meds to be assigned. Also there's a nice pharmacy across the road with a coffee shop next to it to grab a coffee while you wait for the pharmacist.

  • en

    Christopher Pentz


    Very clean and modern. Amazing hospitality. Dr. Chung as well as every other staff member I encountered was great. This place honestly changed my perception of urgent care. No appointments but zero wait. I was seen immediately.

  • Barbara Wright

    Barbara Wright


    Excellence and speedy. Dr Chung was very thorough, nurses were ALL so pleasant and go out of their way to help people. Called an ambulance for someone who's insurance only covered ER. Only visiting LA, but if i am ever back here and need care, would come here again! Thank you all!

  • Mikael M

    Mikael M


    Come here. Best urgent care experience I’ve ever had. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff all around. Dr. Chung is great. And everything moves fast here, there’s no waiting around. Just awesome.

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