Downtown Pawn Shop in New York

Vereinigte StaatenDowntown Pawn Shop


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453, Fulton Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-834-9054
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6914368, Longitude: -73.9869565

kommentare 5

  • Lesly D.

    Lesly D.


    This place is a crook this man rip me off i put a $100 down on a jewelry and came back 2 week's later bought a chain some where else now in order to get my money back he would give me half thats not right plus this man has given my money back before on the brown receipt there is no policy on items and made up his own verbal policy. In the conversation few mintues after he admitted to give me my money next week in front of the cops i called still wouldnt help so another agency u reach out about this. please dont buy any jewelry people looking and smiling funny thing about that i always get the last laugh.

  • en

    iAmMike Dacapo


    Unprofessional and disrespectful

  • Matt Monaco

    Matt Monaco


    They bought our stolen cell and when questioned they said they don't deal with phones and hung up. They will be investigated shortly criminal activity

  • Parker Ovalle

    Parker Ovalle


    They are super rude here. Don't expect any real help or nice people. I called ahead and asked the times and the guy was so rude and hung up on me. Then when I went in to sell my items they only buy gold. Why do you even call yourself a pawn shop? Don't waste your time

  • Jimmy Lam

    Jimmy Lam


    Cant fix iphones, go somewhere else

nächste Juwelier

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