Dove Creek Cafe i Roanoke

Forenede StaterDove Creek Cafe



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204, U.S. 377, 76262, Roanoke, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-491-4973
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.9977932, Longitude: -97.230848

kommentar 5

  • mike ramey

    mike ramey


    Service was good, food was a joke. If you are the kind of person that will eat taco bell and voted for Trump, you will probably like it. If you are of any intelligence and like quality food, go elsewhere.

  • Tim Rackler

    Tim Rackler


    Always good food and friendly service. Great home style cooking.

  • en

    Monique Wallick


    Great Sunday breakfast. Many options, family friendly and large portions. Free parking and restrooms on site.

  • en

    carlos p


    Great food and service. Your party must be present to be seated. So if you have a party of 8 and only 4 people are at restaurant you will not be seated till the rest show up.

  • Monica Braxton

    Monica Braxton


    The food was excellent. This was our first visit to the cafe. We weren't sure what to expect. The cafe was not really busy so our party of 6 was seated immediately. The waitress immediately took our drink order and returned with them within minutes. We placed our food order and began to enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant. Our food arrived quickly and we were pleasantly delighted. My husband had the chicken fried steak and said it was better than he has ever tasted. .y mom had the chicken fried chicken and savored every bite. At the end of our meal, we felt compelled to complement the chef. Our nephew said he will come visit us again, just to go to The Dove Cafe. Thank you for a great meal. We were able to show our out of town family members a great time and it didnt cost us a fortune either.

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