Doris Beauty Salon w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneDoris Beauty Salon



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413, Central Avenue, 10606, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-949-7630
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0315372, Longitude: -73.7869697

komentarze 5

  • en

    rosa barbour


    I had my hair highlighted over the weekend and I am extremely happy with it. I have natural dark hair and its been 15 yrs since i have had my hair dyed. The hairdryer listened attentively to what I wanted and suggested the best color that would naturally look great on me. And WALA!!! perfection.. I would definitely recommend to get your hair done there. Also, i have long hair and it was not expensive at all. I AM VERY SATISFIED....

  • en

    C. P.


    Everyone is so friendly and caring at Doris' Beauty Salon! The staff takes great care to ensure that I, as a customer, am satisfied with my hairstyle. I always have a very positive experience when I visit this Salon and this is why I continue to go! I believe you will like it too! Give them a try!

  • Nermine Meikhaeil

    Nermine Meikhaeil


    Hairstylists are very friendly, easy going, and quick. Prices are economical as well.

  • en

    Angela Zeolla Castellano


    Great place for a haircut, color or styling. No frills - just professional and friendly people. Thank you for doing my grandmother’s hair for my wedding, too! Highly recommend. Great prices that won’t break the bank like some other salons. They take walk-ins too which is great.

  • Missy Hanson

    Missy Hanson


    Patient and treat African American Hair well however they charge extra for natural hair. $35. I think that is unfair because most Latinos that come there have natural hair too and they are charged less. However they definitely give you a top quality job and excellent customer service so it was money well spent. The owner Doris did my hair and did a magnificent job and trimmed my dry ends very nicely and not too short. Very professional and clean environment.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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