Donuts First i Atlantic Highlands

Forenede StaterDonuts First



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183-D, 1st Avenue, 07716, Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-864-4969
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.409889, Longitude: -74.0401411

kommentar 5

  • Theresa Pittius

    Theresa Pittius


    I love love LOVE the donuts here!! Owners and staff are the sweetest people around, and the choices of donuts are amazing!! Coffee is excellent also -- a must-stop if you are in town!!

  • Ryan Doherty

    Ryan Doherty


    Donuts First is now my favorite donut shop. The donuts are made fresh, and the flavors are very tasty. The only problem with this place is that it takes a while for the donuts to be made, but at least this means that they are fresh.

  • Tara Geraghty

    Tara Geraghty


    Such a great addition to the area. Owners are super friendly - coffee is fantastic - and donuts are made to order!!!!

  • Meghan Guinee

    Meghan Guinee


    The icing is salty and it's is very doughy. It took a long time for us to order and the worker did not under stand us. Don't go there is you want good doughnuts find another place.

  • Steven Mautone

    Steven Mautone


    Amazing donuts. Take your time reading through the menu and checking out all the toppings. There are so many delicious options!

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