Domu Hair Salon w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneDomu Hair Salon



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905, East Street, 46202, Indianapolis, Marion County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 317-972-4055
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7797044, Longitude: -86.1485164

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kellie S


    I’ve gone to the owner, Michael, for about a year now. I’m always completely satisfied when I leave. It’s always very clean, and everyone is so friendly. I did have Katherine fill in my highlights recently; Michael was so booked I was unable to schedule with him before my own vacation. Katherine did beautiful work, and I really enjoyed the conversation we had. Overall, it’s the most satisfied I’ve ever been with a salon!

  • en

    Debbie Sheedy


    Roy at Domu is the best. Curly hair is not easy to cut. Roy is a master. Every time he cuts my hair people rave about it. I have even been stopped by folks I don't know asking about my hair and who styles it. Roy is professional and an artist. Domu is a happy salon and my time there pleasant. All around if I could give them six stars I would. The best!!!!!

  • Layne Maloney

    Layne Maloney


    Roy at Domu is a master wizard with color! I have very thick, tight curly hair, and have to color it every month. The color he uses is from Italy and holds better than any color I've ever used on my hair. Roy never misses a spot! He does amazing work with foil highlights, too. I am never disappointed! Domu is a welcoming salon with nice staff. I've been going there for over a year and have referred friends -- I highly recommend that you give Domu a try, especially Roy!

  • en

    Gloria Sprouse


    Roy is wonderful! Always very creative yet consistent. He always makes me feel beautiful each time I see him. He is very talented!

  • en

    Marion Mckinney


    This Salon is very neat, clean and atmosphere is quiet and professional. I have had great experiences with the owner Michael and another stylist who unfortunately left. We were game to go to another stylist there and after the second appointment it was a disappointment. Mom's hair was dirty in the back when we left and so I had to rewash and style her hair. Dye flew on the side of my eye and based on the pricing on the website, we were overcharged $15.00 without the tip. For these reasons, especially overcharging, we have decided best to leave this salon.

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