Domino's Pizza i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDomino's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

3139, North Oakland Avenue, 53211, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 414-332-6888
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0755319, Longitude: -87.8880608

kommentar 5

  • samantha fox

    samantha fox


    Always friendly staff, food always comes hot and in a timely fashion keep up the good work guys!!! Still love this place all their drivers are awesome!!

  • en

    Emma Patek


    The food was good as always, however they forgot all the dipping sauces we spent almost $4 on. When we called back they said they'd be here in about 15 min with more and yet here we are an hour and a half later and still no dipping sauce. Extremely irritated as it was such an easy fix.

  • Smarie923



    Best Dominos in the entire city!!! Have never had an issue whether it was delivery or carryout and they are always fast with great food!! Thank you

  • Riley Smeaton

    Riley Smeaton


    The place has overall good service with a nice location and building. When I've had them deliver pizza they have always been early or on time for their initial prediction. Their pizza is really good but my favorite side is the garlic bread.

  • selfhelp69



    Not the 'ultimate pizza' but consistent and fast. Online coupons a plus Customizable toppings, crust and sauce also a plus. During non peak hours they will be at your door in 20 min.

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